3 Ways Load Speed Affects Customer Behavior

August 19, 2022

Digital marketing is becoming the advertising strategy of the future. There are a number of options companies can take on for marketing, such as blogs, pay-per-click advertising, and building backlinks, but the attention paid to website creation is key. As your company builds its plan of action, its website's page load speed is a very important consideration. Page load speed is the average time it takes for a web page to load and be usable, and quicker page load rates are preferable because they improve the user experience. We compute it from the time a user clicks on a link or puts in a URL until the page has fully loaded in the browser, including graphics, videos, and so on.

Page load speed affects customer behavior and conversion rate from marketing efforts and directly relates to having more success overall in a business.

Improve Page Speed and User Experience

Back in the day, people used dial-up modems to connect to the internet. Dial-up connections were sluggish, causing pages to load slowly and forcing visitors to look at an empty screen while their pages loaded. Users dealt with the wait because there was no other option. Today, high speed internet has us trained to expect instant results and irritation builds quickly when websites lag. Sites with longer load times have greater bounce rates and shorter average time on pages as visitors get frustrated and leave for more efficient destinations. According to Portent.com, a website's conversion rate declines by about 5% for every second it takes to load.

Because of the fast-paced nature of modern life, many people want to search less for the information, services, and goods they need. A quicker page performance provides a more enjoyable user experience. The faster a page loads, the happier website users will be, increasing the chances they will make their purchases from you.

Page Speed Leaves an Impression on Customer's Opinion

Your investment in your web presence counts trememdously. Consumers generate opinions about your entire company depending on the speed at which your website loads. Users not only expect to get results quickly, but page speed also instantly affects their professional impression of a business. Users interpret a sluggish or clunky website as indicating how a company operates and how much it cares. Many people who have had a terrible experience tell others about it, further hurting marketing efforts.

Page Load Speeds Helps Search Engine Rankings

These days, search engines prioritize websites that load quickly. Page load speed is an important ranking criterion for mobile searches. Google uses the page load speed of a website to determine how highly a company website appears in search engine results. High search engine rankings are critical for increasing visitors to a business website.

Page load speed is important to the success of a business since it affects user experience, marketing efforts, and the conversion of prospective customers. Are you looking for help creating an effective and efficient website or improving your pay-per-click or SEO results? Reach out to WiredViews today to get expert assistance building a successful advertising campaign for your business.