4 Ways to Engage Gen Z With Your Company

May 26, 2023

With each passing year, decades-old marketing strategies become less relevant. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 70% of B2C marketers use content marketing because it's an excellent way to connect with a younger audience that spends a lot of time online. Here's how working with a digital marketing agency can help you engage Gen Z.

Utilize Tech


Marketing is no longer centered around billboards, radio ads, and television ads. Younger consumers are much more likely to pay attention to content like social media posts and videos, and smart businesses will take this into account in their marketing plans by forming a strong online presence that keeps the latest trends and conversation points in mind. This will make a brand both more likely to get noticed by Gen Z and more likely to stay at the forefront of their minds for the long term.

Market Like Creators Do


Gen Z adores popular content creators who speak to their viewers on an informal, personal level. As a business owner, you can engage a younger audience by marketing like a creator, which means using video content and social media to reach your audience in a way that resonates with people in their teens and twenties. This often entails using casual, colloquial language to talk to potential customers like old friends. It's also helpful to use social media to respond directly to any questions or feedback from your audience, thus establishing your brand as both personable and trustworthy.

Partner With Creators


Marketing like a creator is one thing, but partnering with content creators to grow your business is even better. There are thousands of successful content creators out there, so you can find someone who fits your brand and your company's values. This is one of the best ways to reach a younger audience, and it's lead to a good number of successful campaigns.

Use Your Comments


When people engage with your brand on social media, you've got a perfect opportunity to create more content as a result. Read your comments -- especially the ones with the most likes -- and use them to directly engage with your audience. Today's consumer appreciates a brand that's open and communicative, especially when they have questions about a product or service.


Small business owners can do more than ever thanks to technology, but that doesn't mean it's easy to connect with your Gen Z audience. The good news is that modern marketing tools can help. Contact WiredViews today to learn more about how our digital marketing agency can help you boost your business.