5 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

July 20, 2023

Although digital marketing is a fairly new concept, it's here to stay. For any modern business owner, digital marketing must be a part of your strategy. It's reported that Google generates $147 billion of revenue with its digital marketing efforts alone. Although Google is a huge corporation, smaller businesses can benefit as well. Knowing what not to do can be just as important as knowing what to do. Let's look at five digital marketing mistakes to avoid.

Ignoring Digital Marketing


The first and worst mistake is avoiding digital marketing as a whole. You need an online presence. Today, many potential customers will never discover your business if you don't appear in an online search. To show in an online search, you need a website and must be active on some type of business search platform. Some communities ensure that all registered businesses are also registered with some type of online search tool. 

No Website


Many potential customers are turned off by the lack of a website. In the modern age, this almost makes a business seem suspicious. It's difficult to grasp what your business looks like, where it's located, and the quality of services if there isn't a website to browse. Today's consumers often research a business or product before they make a purchase or visit a brick-and-mortar location.

Poor Quality Site


When creating a website, ensure that it's high-quality. This speaks to website design and readability, but also to purpose. Of course, you want to guarantee that visitors can easily navigate the site. Your site needs to providing real content that users will find helpful. That could be in the form of written blogs, numerous shopping options, or an online chat service to receive assistance.

No Social Media Pages


Just like with the website, you need social media pages for your business. This is free advertising in the truest sense. You can use your page to connect with customers or inform them of promotions. Additionally, customers may make purchases once seeing the product in actual photos with verified customers.

Ignoring Email Marketing


Email marketing is a tool that connects you with customers, keeping them coming back for more. When you interact with a customer, it's recommended to collect an email address. With that list of customer emails, you'll be able to use an email service to communicate with past customers regularly and inform them of new specials or items.


Digital marketing has taken the world by storm and it's not going anywhere. It may seem like a huge concept to grasp for the average business owner who already has so much on their plate. If it seems like a lot, that's when it's time to call the professionals to help you get a handle on it. Contact WiredViews today to learn more about how we can help you take your marketing to the next level.