Maximizing Your Marketing Funnel: How Digital Marketing Strategies Drive Success

August 10, 2023

Maximizing Your Marketing Funnel: How Digital Marketing Strategies Drive Success

Businesses today have an abundance of opportunities to interact and connect with their target customers in a variety of channels. The way businesses may connect with their clients has been transformed by the widespread use of the internet and the growth of social media platforms, search engines, email marketing, and other digital channels. Digital marketing strategies are now vital for firms that want to maximize their marketing efforts and boost conversions as a result of these changes.


Digital marketing refers to a broad range of tactics and methods used to advertise goods and services online. These strategies make use of the internet's power and large user base to promote brand awareness, draw in new clients, and ultimately turn them into loyal consumers. Digital marketing, as opposed to traditional marketing strategies, has distinct advantages such cost-effectiveness, targeted reach, real-time tracking, and quantifiable results.

To achieve optimal results in digital marketing, it is crucial to align your marketing strategy with each stage of the marketing funnel: Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. We’ll review these below, as well as proven techniques that support each.


Awareness Stage


Gaining the interest of potential clients who may not be familiar with your brand or product is the main goal of the awareness stage. Consider using the following digital marketing techniques to raise awareness:

  • Social Media Marketing: Utilize the power of social media channels, such as LinkedIn and Instagram, to increase brand recognition and interact with your target market. Create engaging content, publish educational posts, and employ targeted advertising to widen your audience and raise your brand's visibility.

  • Content Marketing: To inform your audience, produce high-quality content such as blog entries, videos, infographics, and podcasts. Use pertinent keywords to optimize your material for search engines, and market it via a variety of media to draw new clients who are actively looking for information about your products or services.


Interest Stage


Once you’ve caught their attention, the Interest stage tries to cement your audience’s interest and motivate them to learn more about your business. A couple ways to do this include:

  • Email Marketing: Create an email list and offer your subscribers individualized, value-added material. To establish a stronger relationship with your audience, utilize email automation to send personalized messages based on user preferences, behavior, and previous interactions.

  • Retargeting Campaigns: By showing customized advertising to users who have already visited your website or interacted with your content, you can keep your brand at the forefront of their minds. Retargeting helps you remind them of your offerings, which increases the chance that they will convert.


Desire Stage


Once potential buyers express interest in your brand, they move into the Desire stage. At this point, it's time to persuade them to choose your goods or services over those of your competitors. The following digital marketing tactics can help generate interest and establish credibility:

  • Social Proof: Utilize user-generated material, endorsements, and reviews to highlight the good customer experiences. Potential customers are more inclined to trust peer recommendations, which increases their desire to interact with your brand.

  • Remarketing Campaigns: Target users who have shown interest in your goods or services but haven't taken the desired action by using remarketing advertising. Offer special discounts or short-term specials to further entice customers and increase their desire to buy.


Action Stage


Potential customers turn into paying customers at the bottom of the marketing funnel. Use the following digital marketing tactics to help them through the process at this crucial stage:

  • Streamlined Website Experience: Make sure your website is simple to use, intuitive, and mobile-friendly. A frustrating experience while trying to buy can lose you customers. Keep the number of form fields minimal, provide secure payment methods, and streamline the checkout process to make it easier for customers to act.

  • Personalized Follow-up: Send customized thank-you emails following a purchase and solicit feedback to express gratitude for the customer's patronage. Automated post-purchase emails with supplementary merchandise or special discounts can also be used to build client loyalty and promote repeat business.


Businesses can effectively engage with potential customers, develop brand awareness, create interest, and encourage conversions by integrating digital marketing methods within each stage of the marketing funnel. From harnessing social media and content marketing to employing email automation, remarketing campaigns, and social proof, each step offers opportunities to boost your marketing efforts. To maximize your success, keep in mind that you should fully understand your target audience(s) and adjust your techniques to suit their preferences and wants. 

Want to learn more? Contact the WiredViews team to learn how you can enhance your marketing efforts.

Katie Lawton is a Marketing Client Manager at WiredViews. She communicates with clients on a daily basis, develops marketing strategies, and manages projects for the WV team.

She loves to go running in the wee hours of the morning, walk her dog, Gizmo, watch horror movies (The Shining is her favorite), and check out the latest restaurants in Cuyahoga Falls.